Frequently Asked Question#
Why should we reach out at first place?#
At Fulbright, we encourage seeking help whenever you think you need to. Not whether you think you should or you can - as long as you think you need to seek help. No concern is too big or too small. We hope that as an individual and a member of the Fulbright community, you prioritize the safety and wellbeing of yourself and your peers.
If you think you or another student are a victim of threatening behaviors, you are encouraged to get help and support from faculty, peers and supporting staff. You can start either with submitting a case to Safer Community and Fulbright Student Council to receive consultation, or directly file a submission of misconduct report to Student Conduct Board.
What if another student is a victim and I want to file a report on their behalf?
While you cannot directly file a report without the victim’s agreement, you are strongly encouraged to reach out to either Safer Community or Fulbright Student Council for further consultation. It is necessary to discuss with the victim first before disclosing any information to another third party - including support services.
What is the consultation process and how does it work?#
If you are considering whether to file a report, you are encouraged to seek consultation with the Safer Community and Fulbright Student Council. The Safer Community and Head Officer of Student Welfare from Fulbright Student Council will meet with you to discuss your situation and explore options with you based on your needs.*
There will be no judgment or repercussion for filing an inquiry to Safer Community and Fulbright Student Council and deciding not to proceed further with the case. What matters is that you know you are not alone and help is always around - unconditionally.
*Only the Head Officer of Student Welfare, along with the President, Vice President, will read your case submission. No member of the Fulbright Student Council is allowed to read your case submission before seeking and receiving a permission from you.
The answers to the following questions are revised from Student Code of Conduct
What is the investigation process and how does it work?#
When the Student Conduct Board receives an official report, they will appoint an investigator to start an investigation. The investigator’s focus is to gather as much information as possible: from the impacted party, respondent, and from any individual who might have relevant information to the case. The first thing to expect in an investigation is that you will be asked to meet with the investigator, and you may have to provide information in your written report and answer follow-up questions. The investigator will try to minimize the number of times they need to speak to you about your experience, but in the course of the investigation, certain moments or details become very important and additional information may be needed.
The second thing to expect is that you continue to have choices in this process: you can choose to stop participating at any time.
You will not be asked to attend any meeting at which the other party is present. The investigation is treated in a private and discreet manner.
Do I have to meet with the investigator alone?#
No. You can have a support person of their choosing during any meeting with an investigator.
What are interim measures and how do they work?#
Interim measures are enacted immediately to remedy the impacts of an alleged incident. They may include, but not limited to, academic modifications, housing arrangements, campus access restrictions, issuance of a “no contact” directive.
Interim measures are enacted when an alleged behavior threatens the safety and well-being of members of the University community, threatens University property, or has potential to disrupt or interfere with normal University operations.
Interim measures are designed to protect the victim and the community, and can be issued at any time during an investigation. The issuance of any interim measure does not mean a final decision has been made.
What is a student conducting hearing and how does it work?#
A formal student conduct hearing is facilitated by the Hearing Panel. Members of the Hearing Panel will be selected from the Student Conduct Board. The purpose is to discuss the allegations made by the Impacted Party after taking into account the totality of evidence available from all relevant sources.
A student conduct hearing is conducted in private to maintain the objectivity and privacy of the proceedings. Notice of a student conduct hearing, including the identity of the Hearing Panel, will occur at least five (05) business days prior to the hearing.
How are sanctions decided?#
Sanctions are determined after a student accepts responsibility for charges or if they are found to be responsible by the Student Conduct Board. The things that help determine the level of sanction include (but is not limited to): the student/organization’s prior behavior, demonstrated understanding of the impact of their behavior, and willingness to accept responsibility. The Student Conduct Board may impose one or more sanctions as appropriate for student development and community well-being.